Swiss Trust Companies as Special Purpose Entities: A Natural Fit

Swiss Trust Companies and Their Use as Special Purpose Vehicles

Swiss trust companies are often used as special purpose vehicles (SPVs) for financing and fundraising in Switzerland and Europe. 

Swiss Trust Companies have earned a remarkable reputation for their use as special purpose vehicles (SPVs) in the world of finance and fundraising, not only in Switzerland but across Europe. Switzerland, with its robust financial system, stability, and legal framework, has long been a preferred destination for international businesses seeking efficient and secure SPV solutions. In this blog, we'll explore the role of Swiss Trust Companies in financing and fundraising and how they contribute to Switzerland's prominence in the global financial landscape.

There are a number of reasons for this. First, Swiss trust companies have a long history and reputation for reliability and discretion. Second, Swiss law is very favorable to trusts and SPVs, providing a high degree of flexibility and confidentiality. Third, Switzerland has a well-developed financial infrastructure and a highly skilled workforce.

Understanding Swiss Trust Companies

Swiss Trust Companies, also known as Swiss fiduciary companies, are entities specifically designed to hold and manage assets on behalf of their clients. They are often directly regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and adhere to strict confidentiality and compliance standards. These companies are widely used as SPVs, primarily because they offer a high level of discretion and flexibility to manage assets, which is essential for various financial and fundraising strategies.

Special Purpose Vehicles

SPVs are typically used to isolate financial risk or to facilitate complex transactions. In the context of financing and fundraising, SPVs can be used to:

  • Raise debt or equity financing: SPVs can be used to issue bonds or other debt instruments to investors. SPVs can also be used to issue shares to investors, either through a public offering or a private placement.

  • Securitize assets: SPVs can be used to securitize assets, such as loans, receivables, or real estate. This involves pooling the assets together and issuing securities backed by the pool.

  • Finance mergers and acquisitions: SPVs can be used to finance mergers and acquisitions by providing bridge financing or by acquiring assets from the target company.

  • Manage investment funds: SPVs can be used to manage investment funds, such as hedge funds, private equity funds, and real estate funds.

Swiss trust companies are well-suited to act as trustees for SPVs. They have the experience and expertise to manage complex structures and to deal with a wide range of financial transactions. Swiss trust companies are also subject to a strict regulatory regime, which helps to ensure that they operate in a responsible and transparent manner.

Benefits of Using Swiss Trust Companies as SPVs

There are a number of benefits to using Swiss trust companies as SPVs, including:

  • Reputation and reliability: Swiss trust companies have a long history and reputation for reliability and discretion. This is important for investors, who want to be sure that their money is being managed by a competent and trustworthy institution.

  • Favorable legal environment: Swiss law is very favorable to trusts and SPVs, providing a high degree of flexibility and confidentiality. This makes Switzerland an attractive jurisdiction for setting up SPVs.

  • Well-developed financial infrastructure: Switzerland has a well-developed financial infrastructure and a highly skilled workforce. This makes it easy to find the necessary expertise and support to manage and operate an SPV.

  • Tax Efficiency: Switzerland's favorable tax environment, including corporate tax rates, dividend taxation, and wealth management, attracts businesses seeking tax-efficient solutions. Swiss Trust Companies can help structure financial transactions and fundraising activities in a way that minimizes tax liabilities.

  • Legal Protection: Swiss legal and regulatory systems are highly reliable, offering strong protection to investors and stakeholders. Using Swiss Trust Companies can provide a secure legal framework for transactions and fundraising activities.

  • Asset Management: Swiss Trust Companies excel in managing a wide range of assets, from cash and securities to intellectual property rights and real estate. This versatility is crucial for SPVs that often need to hold various types of assets. 

  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Swiss financial institutions are known for their strict privacy laws, ensuring that sensitive financial and fundraising information remains confidential. This level of discretion can be vital for businesses involved in complex financial transactions.

  • Reputation and Credibility: Switzerland has a long history of financial stability and credibility. This reputation can enhance the trustworthiness of SPVs, attracting investors and partners to fundraising initiatives.

Examples of How Swiss Trust Companies Are Used as SPVs

Here are a few examples of how Swiss trust companies are used as SPVs:

  • A Swiss trust company is used to raise debt financing for a new real estate development project.

  • A Swiss trust company is used to securitize a portfolio of car loans.

  • A Swiss trust company is used to finance the acquisition of a company by a private equity firm.

  • A Swiss trust company is used to manage a hedge fund that invests in global equity markets.

Use Cases of Swiss Trust Companies as SPVs

Securitization: Swiss Trust Companies can issue structured financial products, such as asset-backed securities, to raise capital for businesses. These SPVs help companies transform illiquid assets into tradable securities, making them attractive to investors.

Real Estate Investment: SPVs can be employed to facilitate real estate investments in Switzerland and other European countries. By using a Swiss Trust Company, foreign investors can efficiently navigate the complexities of local real estate markets.

Holding Companies: Many multinational corporations establish holding companies in Switzerland to consolidate their European operations. These holding companies can benefit from the financial and legal advantages offered by Swiss Trust Companies.

Venture Capital and Private Equity: Swiss Trust Companies are also used to structure venture capital and private equity investments. They provide an efficient and confidential platform for investors to participate in various funding rounds.


Swiss trust companies are well-suited to act as trustees for SPVs. They have the experience and expertise to manage complex structures and to deal with a wide range of financial transactions. Swiss trust companies are also subject to a strict regulatory regime, which helps to ensure that they operate in a responsible and transparent manner. Swiss Trust Companies serve as indispensable vehicles for financing and fundraising in Switzerland and Europe. Their tax efficiency, legal protection, asset management capabilities, privacy, and credibility make them an attractive choice for businesses seeking SPVs that can support complex financial transactions and fundraising initiatives. Switzerland's long-standing reputation for financial stability further solidifies its status as a hub for international finance. As businesses continue to explore global opportunities, Swiss Trust Companies are poised to play an essential role in shaping the future of SPVs in the region.

Souradeep Chatterjee

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How to Use a Swiss Trust Company as an SPV


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